How do I get Boutique Tones captures on my Quad Cortex?
At this moment Quad Cortex doesn't allow to upload local file/presets/etc so you won't get downloadable files buying QC captures.
We have to manually share them to you through the Cortex Cloud.
In every product page you will find the QC User Name field, we need you to fill this so that we will follow you on the Cloud and we'll be able to send captures.
IMPORTANT: to be able to share the captures we need you to follow us too, so please double check you are following BoutiqueTones on the Cortex Cloud!
Do profiles sound the same across Quad Cortex, Kemper and Tonex?
At this time (Nov 24th, 2023) every profile has been captured with the same settings, microphones, preamps and whatsoever for Quad Cortex and Kemper.
Since Tonex came later we are currently creating Tone Models for all packs, sometimes with different cabs or microphones.
Can I resell your profiles?
No. Our has been an intense work so we are trusting your honesty. In any case you're buying a single-use license.
Once I buy a pack, could it be updated in the future?
We may update some packs in the future. You'll receive an email notificating this update and you'll have this update for free.
Can I collaborate with Boutique Tones?
Of course! We're always looking for great talents with guitar skills and taste for cool sounds. If you think you have these requirements feel free to send a presentation email to us.